Spring Has Sprung Early - Creekside Farms

Spring Has Sprung Early

Spring has certainly come early this year to our part of the world. Our almond trees are always the first to bloom each year and this year they blossomed out in full glory a little earlier than usual. I love driving in our driveway surrounded by such beauty. As the blossoms start to fade, they fall like snow with even the slightest breeze.

Our daffodils have been in bloom for over a week and they definitely brighten the garden when most of the landscape is still quite dull. As much as I am looking forward to Spring, I am certainly hoping we receive more rain. Our rainfall total for this season is approx. 5 inches. I know we live in a dry area, but this is just not enough rain. Seeing our hills still brown in places at the end of February is alarming. We need to learn a new “rain dance”!!

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